A Guide to Parenting Styles: Finding What Works Best for You

The way parents talk to, discipline, and support their kiddos helps them grow! Knowing about different approaches can help you think about how you raise your kids and maybe make some changes to better suit your child's needs.

Here’s a look at the four main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved.

  1. Authoritative Parenting: Authoritative parents set clear rules but are also warm and caring. They talk a lot with their kids and let them share their feelings. Children raised this way often feel good about themselves, do well in school, and get along with others. This style is seen as a great way to parent, but it takes time and patience to stick with it.

  2. Authoritarian Parenting: Authoritarian parents have strict rules that don’t change much. They expect kids to follow the rules without asking questions. Children raised this way might do well when things are very organized, but they may have trouble feeling good about themselves and getting along with others.

  3. Permissive Parenting: Permissive parents are easy-going and want their kids to be happy. They are caring but don’t always make sure the rules are followed. Children feel loved and supported, but they might find it hard to follow rules and handle responsibilities outside of the home.

  4. Uninvolved Parenting: Uninvolved parents don’t guide or discipline their kids much. Children learn to figure stuff out on their own. They might feel ignored, have trouble making friends, and find school difficult.

Most parents use a mix of these styles. It's important to find what works best for your family, keeping in mind your child's personality, age, and needs. Spend quality time together, talk openly, be fair and flexible, and support your child’s independence and creativity!

By trying your best and being thoughtful about how you parent, you can create a happy and loving home where your child does well. For all things parenting, HeyKiddo is here for you!


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