Press and Media

At HeyKiddo™, we believe in the power of conversations and positive modeling for children's emotional and social growth. HeyKiddo™ is a woman-owned company dedicated to building the social, emotional, and mental health coping skills of kiddos (and their grownups). Developed by our team of psychologists and child experts, all HeyKiddo™ products are grounded in evidence-based research.

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In the news

  • Apr 29, 2024

    Business For Good: HeyKiddo

  • Feb 9, 2023

    Mental health app HeyKiddo heads to beta testing while raising a $1M seed round

  • Dec 6, 2023

    2023 Awards names HeyKiddo Invention of the Year

  • Mar 23, 2022

    HeyKiddo: A Company Dedicated to Helping Adults Gain Better Control of Their Children’s Mental, Social and Emotional health

About HeyKiddo

Founded in 2019, HeyKiddo has a proven track record with three National Science Foundation Grants and counting.

  • 80% of parents experienced increased parenting confidence & improved social-emotional functioning in their children.

  • HeyKiddo supports hundreds of parents - thanks to everyone for sharing HeyKiddo with their loved ones!

Read our story>

Press Releases


HeyKiddo is an award-winning product serving parents and families across the world.

Press Inquiries

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Media Kit

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