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How do I use HeyKiddo™ Huddle?
HeyKiddo™ Huddle is a 36-week curriculum for classrooms, homeschools, and pods that ensures kids continue to meet important social and emotional milestones.

Designed by psychologists and child and learning specialists, it maximizes learning impact with only 15 minutes of instruction a day!
The HeyKiddo™ Huddle curriculum is linked to Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) core competencies, the most trusted K-12 model for high quality social and emotional learning.
Over the course of the school year, whenever you begin, you will receive weekly topics that enhance learning and coping skills in these areas.
The HeyKiddo™ Huddle curriculum is designed for elementary school aged children. The curriculum also works well for children with special needs.
HeyKiddo™ Huddle At A Glance:
Prior to the start of each new week, you will receive an email that includes a link to the HeyKiddo™ Huddle portal and everything you will need for that week.
All materials are designed to be accessed quickly and easily on this portal, so you can review the curriculum plan in less than 10-minutes.
Each week of HeyKiddo™ Huddle includes:
- Introduction Video: A brief video summarizing the week's curriculum, what is included and why the skill is important for short- and long-term success.
- Conversation Starters: 15-minute daily conversation prompts that build social, emotional, and coping skills.
- Common Responses: Common responses and reactions children may have to the conversation prompts along with ways for the educator or parents to respond.
- Creative Activities: Weekly bonus activities connected to the skill and questions that take conversations to the next level and can be delivered virtually or in-person.
How do I adjust HeyKiddo™ for my kiddo?
One thing we cannot say enough is that all of the content provided as a part of HeyKiddo™ are suggestions to help facilitate deeper conversations with your child. While using HeyKiddo™, it is important that you adjust based on your child's needs and responses to the content and activities.
Adjusting Activities - Sometimes your child will need help reading and understanding the directions and goals of the activities, other times they might need help finding the supplies but can do the activity on their own. And sometimes they might be able to do the entire activity on their own. You know your child best and you will have to gauge the amount of support they will need from you!
Adjusting Questions - The questions we provide for you are meant to be general enough so that you can find a way to ask them to your child in a way that is natural and will make the most sense to them. It is recommended that questions be adapted to fit the child's age and communication level. Also be sure to use words you would generally use and that your child can understand.
Adjusting Prompts - Whenever you are prompted to model a skill, it might be something that feels uncomfortable for you because it is something new. That's okay and is actually our goal 😊. It means growth is happening! Our goal is to help you build skills that help you engage your child in deeper conversations, and doing that might require some reflecting and practicing on your end.
What if my child finds HeyKiddo™ challenging/too easy?
When kids feel challenged, it means they are pushing the limits of what they know and do. This is exactly our goal! HeyKiddo™ content is meant to challenge both you and your child to explore new topics and skills that will help your child succeed now and in the future. Be sure to push your child to try and learn new things and reward them when they overcome these challenges.
If you find that your child is having a negative response to HeyKiddo™, start by adapting it to their needs by asking them what they like, don't like, and ways the conversations and activities could be implemented more naturally into their routine. Be open to their opinions and suggestions and work with them to make this work for everyone involved.
If they continue to have a negative response after you have adapted the content, please discontinue use and contact our support team at to share feedback regarding your child's response.
How is HeyKiddo™ different from social-emotional learning (SEL) that my child learns at school?
If your child is learning SEL at school, that's great! HeyKiddo™ Talk and HeyKiddo™ Huddle can stand alone as SEL programs, but they can also supplement what your child learns at school. Our program teaches all competencies of SEL learning as outlined by The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Success (CASEL), but we focus on the everyday social interactions kids have at home and at school. This gives you the opportunity to customize your child's learning based on their real world.
Does HeyKiddo™ align with state standards?
HeyKiddo™ follows the guidelines established by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the leading policy development group for SEL curriculums. This includes all five Social Emotional Learning competencies included in their guidelines: Self-Awareness, Social-Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision-Making and Relationship Skills. Check with your local school board to determine whether HeyKiddo™ aligns with other state standards.
I want to share HeyKiddo™ Huddle with my child's school! What's the best way to do that?
You can talk to your school's administrators or parent-teacher organization about bringing HeyKiddo™ to your school. We offer affordable enterprise licenses for schools of all sizes. Sign up for our newsletter to get more information or sign up here to get a sample curriculum and pricing information to share.
Do you have an app?
HeyKiddo™ Talk is delivered via text message. HeyKiddo™ Huddle is delivered through a web portal that's optimized for browsers like Chrome and Safari, so you can use it on a desktop or mobile device. If you like the look and feel of a web app on your phone, follow these instructions to make an app icon from our web portal page. We have big plans for an app in the near future, so stay tuned!