
Privacy Policy

[v. August 2023]


Policy Statement

HeyKiddo recognizes and respects the privacy of all people who access and use the HeyKiddo™ App (defined below), including our users. The terms "user(s)" or "you" or "individuals" as used in this policy all mean and refer to you, the end user, who has downloaded the HeyKiddo App and is authorized to access and use the application in accordance with the terms of service. HeyKiddo recognizes the importance of protecting personal data and only collects and uses data as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this policy. We will protect individual's information through compliance with this policy.

Questions About this Policy

All individuals should read this policy carefully to understand the practices HeyKiddo follows regarding personal information. If any individual has any questions about this policy, or if an individual believes the individual's privacy has been compromised in the course of using the HeyKiddo App, please contact HeyKiddo's designated agent at: [insert]


Scope of this Policy

This policy describes the types of information we may collect from, or about, individuals and how we collect, use, maintain, protect and disclose that information.


HeyKiddo has created and developed a mobile application that, among other things, enables caregiving adults to anticipate, detect and address social and/or emotional difficulties in the children and others they care for and to further enable caregiving adults to gain insights to promote wellbeing. The mobile application is available for iOS and on the Android systems and may use the trademarks and/or trade names "HeyKiddo", or another name or logo determined by HeyKiddo. For purposes of this policy, we will use the term "HeyKiddo App" to refer to the mobile application. HeyKiddo also owns and operates a website and may build, maintain and offer other online and digital platforms, software, tools, social media and other formats in the future. To the extent the privacy practices implicate the website, it is noted below. Use of the HeyKiddo App is subject to the terms and conditions of use found here: [insert]


General (Non Personal) Information Collected

HeyKiddo collects information about each individual's activity while using the HeyKiddo App. The activity information we collect may include session clicks or usage flows, scrolling information, the individual's session length (how long an individual uses the HeyKiddo App), engagement behaviors (the types of resources and features accessed, information viewed or accessed while using the HeyKiddo App) and other similar analytics. HeyKiddo also collects information about an individual's device type and operating system type. (In the future, if applicable, HeyKiddo may collect the individual's purchase history and search history when using the HeyKiddo App, the Internet Protocol addresses, and the geographic location of the device used to access the HeyKiddo App). HeyKiddo might use a third-party vendor to collect and track this information, such as Google Analytics. Activity information does not include personally identifiable information (which is covered by the paragraph below), but it may be stored in an access log or related tracking database. HeyKiddo may use activity information for analytics and to measure or understand how the HeyKiddo App is used and how to improve the HeyKiddo App, including for example, to customize the mobile application for different user segments, implement new ideas, uncover insights and/or better understand individual's usage to support and retain users.


When and How Personal Information Is Collected

HeyKiddo obtains personal information about individuals when users register to use the app (and create individual profiles). Although HeyKiddo does not intentionally collect personally identifiable information at other points in time, it is possible that HeyKiddo will collect personally identifiable information when users engage with the App or when HeyKiddo renders support to users. These collection points are described below.


Customer Service and Support

In the event an individual seeks customer support (regarding a problem the individual experiences with the HeyKiddo App), the individual may be asked to provide contact information, a summary of the problem, and any other documentation, screenshots or information that would be helpful in resolving the issue. Personally identifiable information collected during the customer support process will be subject to this policy, whether the individual is a technical contact, opens a support ticket, speaks to a HeyKiddo representatives directly or otherwise engages with HeyKiddo's support team.


Age and Geographical Restrictions

HeyKiddo does not knowingly collect, maintain or disclose personal information from people under the age of eighteen. It only collects, maintains or discloses personal information from people under the age of eighteen that is specifically supplied and submitted by authorized caregivers. All individuals under the age of thirteen are prohibited from using the HeyKiddo App. For people over the age of thirteen, but under the age of sixteen, parental authorization is required to use the HeyKiddo App.


HeyKiddo does not knowingly collect, maintain or disclose personal information from people outside of the United States or from residents of countries other than the United States.


Information That Is and Is Not Collected

Type of Personal Information Collected at Registration

HeyKiddo collects some or all of the following types of personally identifiable information about an individual, which is required for the individual to create a profile, also known as an account: 

        name and username

        email address 

        phone number


        location (such as state in the US and other elements of location)

        user ID, encrypted user password


HeyKiddo also collects some or all of the following types of personally identifiable information about an individual's child(ren) or others for whom the individual provides care:

         user relationship to child

         child name

         child's birthdate

         child's gender

         child's ethnicity

The individual represents that it has all right and license to provide all information about the individual's child(ren) (and others for whom the individual provides care) to HeyKiddo.


HeyKiddo may also collect the following types of personally identifiable information about the individual, or the child(ren) which the individual optionally elects to provide:


         gender identity


In the future, HeyKiddo may collect some or all of the following types of information about an individual:

        telephone number


        other information requested and/or the individual provides


Type of Information Collected While Using the App

HeyKiddo collects generalized non-specific information, such as behavioral goals and associated behaviors, about children (and others in the care of users). This information does not constitute personally identifiable information as it cannot be used to either directly or indirectly distinguish or trace an individual's identity. The kinds of information HeyKiddo collects while using the HeyKiddo App may include:

         developmental areas

         daily mood

         daily situations


         other information potentially impacting the child(ren) or caregiver


Type of Personal Information Not Collected

HeyKiddo does not collect social security numbers, driver's license numbers, passport numbers, state identification card numbers, immigration status, genetic data and union membership information.


HeyKiddo does not collect or track information about individuals when individuals leave the HeyKiddo App and access and use a third-party service.


Although HeyKiddo may link users to the child(ren) and others for whom they provide care, HeyKiddo does not collect or store data by household.


HeyKiddo does not collect medical records, individually identifiable health information or any other information relating to past, present or future physical or mental health conditions of any individual. Similarly, HeyKiddo does not collect educational information or student records.


Login Details

Login details for each individual, such as a password, are the responsibility of that individual. The individual is fully accountable for any use or misuse of the HeyKiddo App and the personally identifiable information contained therein as a result of sharing or providing login details to someone else. HeyKiddo recommends that individuals change their passwords frequently and at least every six months.



Aggregated Information / Anonymized Data

HeyKiddo may use anonymous, statistical or aggregated information (including anonymous location information), in a form that does not enable the identification of a specific user, to properly operate the HeyKiddo App, to improve the quality of the HeyKiddo App, to enhance the individual's experience, to create new services and features, to change or cancel existing content or service, and for further internal, business and statistical purposes. Additionally, HeyKiddo may share such aggregated and anonymized data to third parties for research purposes and to effectuate the other purposes described in this paragraph (such as to Google Analytics). Although we describe how we use aggregated information, aggregated and/or anonymized data does not constitute personal data and is not subject to this privacy policy. From time to time, HeyKiddo may release non-personally identifying information in the aggregate, such as by publishing a report on trends revealed through the usage of the HeyKiddo App.


Automated Decision Making

The HeyKiddo App does not contain any automated decision making, such as an electronic process to approve or reject a user from accessing content. However, the HeyKiddo App does use artificial intelligence to classify or process information as maybe necessary to render content (including to make content and resource recommendations based upon user input and search terms), demonstrate trends and enable individuals to efficiently use the HeyKiddo App. content and resource recommendations based on user input and search.


Use of Information Collected

Generally, HeyKiddo uses personal information to provide the HeyKiddo App. Specifically, HeyKiddo uses and process individuals' information, using different technologies for the following purposes:


        To operate the HeyKiddo App

        To conduct the business of HeyKiddo and to fulfill and follow and enforce this privacy policy and the terms and conditions

        To help improve the reliability of the HeyKiddo App

        To customize and personalize the user experience, to tailor content, to deliver relevant information, to allow individuals to track mood and behavioral trends and for other usage within the HeyKiddo App

        To communicate with individuals about the HeyKiddo App, including for example sending individuals technical notices, updates, security alerts, and administrative messages (and to contact individuals when HeyKiddo reasonably believes it necessary to do so)

        To troubleshoot and resolve technical issues, to respond to requests for assistance, to repair and improve the HeyKiddo App and to ensure the HeyKiddo App are working as intended, such as tracking outages (Only where necessary, we may share information with a third-party for the purpose of responding to support-related requests, such as with the payment processor)

        To send updates, notices, announcements and additional information related to the HeyKiddo App (including through push notifications)

        To comply with, or as required by, any applicable law and to assist law enforcement agencies (if legally mandated, HeyKiddo's opinion) or in response to legal processes and law enforcement requests and as necessary or appropriate, in HeyKiddo's view

        To take any action in any case of dispute, or legal proceeding of any kind between an individual and the HeyKiddo App, or between an individual and other users in connection with or associated to the use of the HeyKiddo App (to the extent HeyKiddo may become involved in such disputes as described in the terms and conditions)

        In the future, HeyKiddo may develop tools that enable it to use the data to identify and prevent fraud, misappropriation, infringement, identity theft and other illegal activities and misuse of the HeyKiddo App and to protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of HeyKiddo, users (and other individuals)

        To identify trends and improve HeyKiddo App and to develop new products, features and technologies that benefit users (and possibly to offer third-party products)

        To conduct research (subject to the limitations described in the paragraph entitled, "Research Information")

        To create aggregated and/or anonymous data (where such data does not enable the identification of a specific user) and provide that anonymized data to third parties to assist HeyKiddo in achieving its business objectives as described in this policy


HeyKiddo does not provide the personal information to third parties who share or rent information for direct marketing purposes. HeyKiddo may provide.


Unless and until HeyKiddo receives notice of an individual's request to delete its account or the data is deleted in accordance with the automatic data deletion process described below, whichever is first, all individuals hereby consent to the use of individual information in accordance with this policy.


Research Information

Some users will take part in research studies with or on behalf of HeyKiddo. For each such user, additional or different rules pertaining to the collection, maintenance and usage of data may apply. (For example, the data collected about research subjects is not subject to the automatic data deletion procedures.) All use of data from research subjects will be in accordance with the applicable research study materials, including the relevant consent forms, and Institutional Review Board protocols.


Financial Information

As described in the terms and conditions, all transactions involving the purchase of a subscription to use the HeyKiddo App will be completed through the use of a third-party payment processor selected by HeyKiddo. Users must submit a valid payment card (debit, credit), bank account information, routing number, and other information as may be required by the applicable third-party payment processor. HeyKiddo does not operate, own, or control payment processor; thus, all financial transactions, including the use of the User's payment card and transfers of funds to and from the User's bank account are governed by the applicable application store and/or the payment processor's policies (including privacy policies), procedures and agreements with the user, as applicable. HeyKiddo may keep limited payment information in its database, such as a customer ID, to enable the third-party processor to communicate with HeyKiddo about whether a subscription is active, payments are made, and other similar payment terms.


Business Partners

HeyKiddo may also collect, store, hold and manage personal information through cloud based or hosting services or a third party or a party affiliated or connected to HeyKiddo or in connection with Apple, Google or their related entities and vendors, as reasonable for business purposes, which may be located in the United States, in the European Union or other countries, including those potentially different than the location of the individual. In any event, HeyKiddo will ensure that any such usage will conform to this policy.


Web Site

HeyKiddo does not currently collect personal information about individuals when they interact with the HeyKiddo website, but we may do so in the future. If we do, we will update this policy with more specific information about website tracking and usage. In the meantime, we do collect non-personally identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. Our purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how HeyKiddo's visitors use its website.



"Cookies" and Other Tracking Devices

A "cookie" is a small data file sent to a browser from a web server and stored on the user's computer. If an individual accesses the HeyKiddo website using a computer, HeyKiddo may, use cookies for various purposes (such as to avoid re-entering a username and password each time an individual logs in), to facilitate the use of the website, to collect statistical information, to verify information, and to customize usage to an individual's preferences and for information security purposes. Some of the cookies may expire when a session ends; other cookies may be saved on a computer's hard drive. Individuals who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using the HeyKiddo website, with the drawback that certain features of the HeyKiddo website may not function properly without the aid of cookies. HeyKiddo may engage third parties to assist in analyzing our business such as Google Analytics to track and report on website traffic. We may provide these third parties non-personal information directly from the cookies to conduct this analysis.


Information Security

HeyKiddo implements systems, applications and procedures to secure individuals' information, to minimize the risk of damage, theft, and loss of information. HeyKiddo uses commercially reasonable efforts to protect all personal information, such as in the following ways:

        Encryption - Encryption technologies protect the information by scrambling it as it is sent from one computer or device to another.

        System monitoring - Regularly reviewing activity logs allows HeyKiddo to identify potential problems. HeyKiddo also has systems in place to automatically block and help prevent unauthorized access to information. We also review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to guard against unauthorized access to systems.

        Patches - HeyKiddo updates its systems at routine intervals to use current security technology.

        Limited Access - HeyKiddo restricts access to personal information to those people who need to know that information in order to conduct HeyKiddo's business.

        Security Measures for Storage - HeyKiddo uses only those hosting providers that meet security requirements necessary to protect the information.


HeyKiddo uses commercially reasonable efforts to document these information security procedures in applicable policies.


These measures cannot provide absolute assurance. Therefore, HeyKiddo does not guarantee that it's systems and databases will be immune from misuse, abuse, malfunction or illegal interception or access. Thus, all disclosure of personal information is "as is" and without HeyKiddo's warranty, guarantee, or liability.


Automatic Data Deletion

Personally identifiable information related to inactive accounts - meaning registrations for which no subscription fee has been paid - will be deleted from the HeyKiddo App every ninety (90) days. Thus, if a user desires to resubscribe after the expiration of the 90-day window, the user's historical data will no longer exist, and the user will be required to input new information. Data that is not personally identifiable information will not be automatically deleted and, instead, it will be aggregated or anonymized and used as described in this policy. For example, all users have an ID associated with their account. When data from an inactive account is deleted, the user ID and associated name and email address will be deleted, but other information, such as those that detect and shows trends among age groups or gender identities will be aggregated and anonymized and otherwise rendered incapable of being reconstituted to link to an individual.


Data Retention

In some cases, notwithstanding the automatic data deletion process, HeyKiddo may retain information collected about individuals if necessary to satisfy the purpose for which the information was collected, or as contractually obligated, or as required by law, whichever is longer. This means we might retain information about you both while you are an active user of the HeyKiddo App and after you cease to be an active user, such as if HeyKiddo is under a contractual obligation or a court order to retain the information.


Your Rights to Change, Update, Delete Personal Information and Opting-Out

If you do not agree with this policy, do not create a profile or access or use the HeyKiddo App. For all individuals who have created a profile, or access or use the HeyKiddo App, but do not agree with this policy and wish to change, update or delete personal information or opt-out, follow the procedures set forth below (all users are citizens of the United States and to the extent the HeyKiddo App becomes available for non-US citizens in the future, the following may not apply):


Delete Your Account

If an individual wishes to delete the individual's account, the individual must send an email to the designated agent at support@hey-kiddo.com stating that the individual wishes to delete an account and cease of use of the HeyKiddo App. Upon receipt of such a request, HeyKiddo will use reasonable efforts to delete such information, however information may not be deleted immediately from back-up systems. HeyKiddo will begin a process designed to safely and fully delete the data from storage systems, databases and other infrastructure used in connection with the HeyKiddo App. This process may take several days from the time of commencing the deletion process. As with any deletion process, things like routine maintenance, unexpected outages, bugs, or failures in our protocols may cause delays in the processes and time frames defined in this policy.


If an individual does not notify the designated agent, data will be deleted from the HeyKiddo App (and the back-end database) in accordance with the automatic data deletion process described above.


Access, Modify and Update your Information

You have the ability to access and update certain information about yourself from within the HeyKiddo App. For example, you can access your profile information and update your email address within your profile settings.


Delete the Mobile Application

If you no longer wish to use the HeyKiddo App, you may delete the mobile application and deactivate your use of the HeyKiddo App. Deactivating your account does not delete your information. Your information will remain in the systems of HeyKiddo unless and until you submit a request to delete your account as described above or upon the automatic data deletion process.


Request That We Stop Using Your Information:  In some cases, you may ask HeyKiddo to stop accessing, storing, using and otherwise processing your information where you believe we don't have the rights to do so.  If you believe an account was created for you without your permission or the caregiving adult is not authorized to provide your information or you are no longer an active user, you can request to delete your account as described above.  If you provided consent to use your information for a limited purpose, you can withdraw that consent by sending notice to the designated agent, but this will not affect any prior processing of your personal information. When you make such requests, we may need time to investigate the basis of your request.  If there is a dispute as to whether we have the right to continue using your information, we will restrict any further use of your information until the dispute is resolved.  


Understanding What Data Is Being Processed

If you would like to understand or confirm what personal data is being processed about you, please contact support@hey-kiddo.com and we will take commercially reasonable steps - or those required by law - to provide the applicable information or confirmation.


Turn off Cookie Controls

Within the context of the HeyKiddo website, you can set your browser to reject browser-based cookies and/or to adopt the "Do Not Track" feature (to the extent your browser offers it).


Opt-In and Opt-Out Of Communications

HeyKiddo offers a newsletter and other informative content for which users will enroll when they register for the HeyKiddo App. You will be able to opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe link within each email, or if available, update your email preferences within your profile, or contact the designated agent and request that your contact information be removed from our promotional email list or registration database. HeyKiddo may offer users the ability to receive promotional communications, marketing materials and updates, and to the extent such communications are provided, the user should follow the same opt-out process as described in this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, some states require that users have the right to opt-in to particular types of communication and HeyKiddo will take steps to identify those states and implement the different formats, as practicable.


Data Portability

Data portability is the ability to obtain some of your information in a format you can move from one service provider to another. In the context of the HeyKiddo App, you may request an extract of your data, and within a reasonable time within receipt of such request, we will provide you with an electronic file (or possibly a screen shot) of your basic account information.  Individuals may then transfer that data to any chosen service provider.


Denying a Deletion Request

We may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us:

        Complete the transaction for which we collected the personal information, provide a good or service that you requested, take actions reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform our contract with you

        Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or prosecute those responsible for such activities

        Debug products to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

        Exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise their free speech rights, or exercise another right provided for by law

        Comply with a legal obligation or the law (such as California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Penal Code § 1546 seq.))

        Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, when the information's deletion may likely render impossible or seriously impair the research's achievement, if you previously provided informed consent

        Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us

        Make other internal and lawful uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it


Changes to Our Privacy Policy

It is our policy to post any changes we make to our privacy policy here: [insert]. If we make material changes to how we treat individuals' information, we will place a notice within the HeyKiddo App or in another easily identifiable location. The date the privacy policy was put into effect, or last revised, will remain at the top of the page. In any event, any changes to this privacy policy will be effective immediately on posting, unless otherwise stated or required by applicable law.


Assignment of Terms and Related Entities

If HeyKiddo organizes the operation of the HeyKiddo App within a different framework, or through another legal structure or entity, or if HeyKiddo is acquired by, or merged into or with another entity, or if HeyKiddo enters bankruptcy, these terms shall be equally applicable to the surviving entity; provided however, that those entities agree to be bound by the provisions of this privacy policy. Therefore, we may change ownership or corporate organization while providing the HeyKiddo App and if we do, we may transfer some or all of the personal information about you in connection with any merger, acquisition, sale of assets (or business line), change in ownership or control, or financing transaction.



Some states in the United States provide you with specific rights to access, modify, and delete your personal information. Some states also have rules and obligations for HeyKiddo to follow about how we communicate privacy-related information to you. This privacy policy is designed to comply with the various state requirements. We recognize, however, that states enact new laws, or change their laws, in the privacy area frequently. Therefore, we may maintain a separate URL for state-specific and country-specific privacy laws.


Residents of California

This section briefly addresses the residents of California, since many of our users are located in that state. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requires specific disclosures for California residents. This policy conforms to the requirements of the CCPA in the sections above by providing the following information:

        the categories of information HeyKiddo collects

        the sources of the information that is being collected

        why HeyKiddo collects data

        how HeyKiddo uses information

        the circumstances in which HeyKiddo may share information


The CCPA requires a description of data practices using specific categories, which are all denoted by the section titles contained in this policy. Additionally, HeyKiddo will not discriminate against any individual for exercising privacy rights in compliance with the CCPA.


In accordance with the CCPA, HeyKiddo provides all individuals with the right to access information and request that HeyKiddo delete that information. You also have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your personal information in the past 12 months (including the categories, sources, and specific personal information we collected about you, our business purposes for collecting that information, the categories of third parties with whom we shared that information, and information about the sale of that information). To exercise these rights to access, review, update and delete information, as well as export and download a copy of it, individuals must send a verifiable request to [insert]. If any individual has any questions related to rights under the CCPA, the individual (or an authorized agent) can also contact HeyKiddo at the address listed in the questions section above.


Only you or a person registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your Personal Data. You may also make a verifiable consumer request on behalf of your minor child. You may only make a verifiable consumer request for access or data portability twice within a 12-month period. The verifiable consumer request must provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information (or you are an authorized representative) and it must describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it.


We try to respond to a verifiable consumer request within 45 days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing.


The CCPA defines the terms "sell" and "sale" very broadly, and although we do not intend to sell any of your data, if any of our activities fall within the definition of "sale", as used in the CCPA, you would have the right to opt out of the sale. If you wish to exercise this right, please submit a request to: [insert]


Accessibility Standards

This privacy policy may be available in a format in the future that complies with the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, which brings together people from disability organizations, industry, research labs and government, to develop guidelines to help make the Web accessible to people with cognitive, auditory, physical, speech, neurological, and visual differences. Presently, the HeyKiddo App and the web site implement numerous technology tools and meet various requirements for compliance with certain disability standards.