How to Support Your Child’s Fear of Flying

Have you been bitten by the travel bug, but the people who you want to travel with are afraid of flying? You’re not the only one. 

Traveling can be an exciting adventure for many, but for some, the thought of flying on an airplane can induce anxiety. If your child is anxious about flying, it can make traveling difficult and stressful for everyone in the family.

However, with some understanding, preparation, and support you can help them overcome this fear and create more opportunities to travel together. Here are some strategies to support you and your child:

  • Understanding the Fear: Exploring where your child’s fear of flying comes from is the first step in addressing it. This fear can stem from other fears like a fear of the unknown, a fear of heights, and a fear of confined spaces. It could also be tied to their experience of separation anxiety or informed by tragedies they’ve seen in the media. Allowing your child to uncover and express their fear through words or images with you could be a helpful way to process it.

  • Preparing in Advance: Fear and anxiety can be a signal to prepare, and preparing with your child can significantly reduce their anxiety. Explaining the process of flying using videos and stories, or actually visiting a nearby airport to see planes taking off and landing, can help them understand what to expect at the airport and during a flight. Packing comfort items and activities to fly with such as their favorite toy, game, or blanket can provide outlets of security and fun as well!

  • Managing Flight Anxiety: When it comes time to fly, your child may still feel a little anxious despite your conversations and preparation, and that is to be expected. Remaining calm, offering reassurance, and keeping them engaged throughout the flight can help them manage any anxiety that surfaces. Saying things like, “It’s okay to feel scared. I am right here to breathe through the anxious feelings with you until they pass.” Breathing deeply and playing games together can keep their mind relaxed and occupied, while keeping yours at ease too!

Helping your child overcome their fear of flying is possible with time and patience. Celebrating victories along the way, such as naming their fear or boarding a plane can give them the small boosts of confidence that they need! As they become more comfortable with the idea and experience of flying, you’ll be able to plan longer flights and trips for your family.

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