15 Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Kids

Coping mechanisms are ways of reducing stress and reconnecting after a conflict.

You may have heard the term referring to unhealthy behaviors like substance abuse, gambling, or overeating, but healthy coping mechanisms are an important part of everyone's emotional wellness.

Kids can start to build their emotional wellness toolkit by identifying their favorite ways to de-stress and manage their emotions.

Top Coping Mechanisms for Kids

  • Go outside and play

  • Talk to someone you trust about your feelings

  • Read a book

  • Have a dance party

  • Write a letter

  • Listen to music

  • Make a pro/con list

  • Tell a joke

  • Hug someone you love

  • Do something creative (paint, draw, write, sculpt, color, etc)

  • Play charades

  • Write down all the solutions to your problem

  • Do an act of kindness for someone

  • Exercise

  • Get a drink of water

Try writing down some favorites on a piece of paper and post it at home.

You never know when you'll need a healthy coping mechanism and it's easier to choose from a list rather than use mental energy thinking of one!


What to Say to a Kid with Big Feelings


Good Grief: How to Talk to Kids about Loss