Raising Children with Range: Get to Know Who They Are, Not What They Should Be

Raising Children with Range: Get to Know Who They Are, Not What They Should Be post thumbnail image

The 10,000 Hour Rule goes something like this: if you practice something rigorously for 10,000 hours, you’ll become a master. 

Statements like these push parents and kids to start specializing in things early. However, research shows that the most effective people reach success AFTER pursuing other endeavors first. 

As gatekeepers of their child’s hobbies and interests, parents play a vital role in overseeing kids’ academic, artistic, and athletic pursuits. Conventional wisdom tells us that practicing relentlessly is the key to greatness, but it comes at the expense of being able to be open to trying new things and adapting when needed. 

Help your child figure out who they are, first, instead of trying to decide what they children should be when they grow up. 

Use these tips to prepare your kiddo for lifelong success by making sure they have range! 

  • Let go of the notion that your child is behind. Allow your child to explore at their pace without the added pressure of social comparison. Be willing to learn and adjust as you go, and even to let go of a previous goal and change directions entirely should the need arise. Even when you move on from one thing to another, the experimentation is never wasted. 

  • There is tremendous value in creating space for kids to explore widely and discover what they’re passionate about. The same is true for allowing them to quit and pursue something else when they are ready. Going through this “sampling period” enables our kids to learn about their own abilities and interests while simultaneously developing a breadth of knowledge and skill.

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